Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Woozy Wednesday

Good evening,

Feeling a little...unwell (migraine) at the moment, so this'll have to be quick!

During reading this morning Green Group read Monkey's Friends to us.

Well done!

After lunch the Year 1s discussed how to look after God's Creation...

...and then we went outside to photograph it. I'll turn the photos into a book shortly.

Then after handwriting we all talked about special places around the school...

...and I thought I indicated who liked where on a photo of the school grounds. Or so I thought. What I actually saved was this...

Ah well, never mind. Just imagine this photo in the background...

...and work it out from there. The rats were partly responsible for the number of children who chose Room 2 as their special place. Me too, for that matter. All 22 of them! :-)

Not sure if I'll be in in the morning, depends on how my head is. At least the rats have got a nice clean bed...

Mr Grant

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