Friday, September 24, 2010

Finally Friday!

Good afternoon,

And welcome to the Term 3 Holidays!

We had a bit of a busy morning this morning. Another assessment, this time the second half of the weather assessment that was done, what, 5 or 6 weeks back? Turns out I forgot to ask them some stuff that would allow them to get better marks, so I gave them that opportunity this morning. I was very pleased with the results.

After that it was outside for a quick run...

...and then back to work - if you can call something that didn't actually work very well at all work.

I grabbed hold of the NetBooks with the idea that the children could take snap shots of themselves with the web cam directly from Comic Life and then make some sort of message for home. Trouble is, only three or four of the 12 that we were using would actually open up the web cam from Comic it to say, 'twas not the best lesson on the planet!

During this afternoon's assembly a couple of Hoon Hay School Hip Hop teams came over the paddock to share a couple of routines with us. They were way cool!

And that's all there was.

Thanks for another great term, and have a fantastic holiday,

Mr Grant


  1. Mr Grant, you are a very hard working teacher and your blog shows the passsion you have for teaching.
    Continue the great work and enjoy your holiday with your family!

    Try to have relaxful break!

  2. Why thank you Mr A. You have a great holiday in the sun too!

    CU later,

