Friday, August 27, 2010

Freaky Friday

Good afternoon,

Another fun was had by all. Don't they look grand?!

For Topic this morning, we watched an online Ocean movie, and the children took notes from the clip.

(Which reminds me of this...)

Then, after skipping...

...we were back for some more science. This time we were discussing how God has designed the Pukeko to live in the wetlands. Specifically, we looked at how their toes are different from ours - they're huge and spread out so as they can spread their weight over the soft mud. So, we went out for a 'demonstration' in the sand pit.

Then it was back for a few more internet clips...

...before making Pukeko feet of our own. I'll try to get them up around the room over the weekend. Perhaps.

Then it was time for buddy reading...

...assembly, free time ('till 3 - I lost track of the time!) and home.


On to next week, and the Willowbank trip. First up this morning I threw the names of the parent help volunteers into The Hat and had it spit out four names. I've even got witnesses!

So, if your name is listed above, you're on! If you're name isn't, and you're still desperate to go, you are still welcome...though you'll have to make your own way there and pay for yourself!

I think that's about it. I've got to set up the R2 stereo that we simply don't use in Mrs Earls office.

By for now,

Mr Grant

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